Camps - Hosted by 22nd

22nd Niagara is proud to host many camps and Group events. Contact Scouter Devon for details

1812 Upper Canada Camp

Upper Canada 1812 Camp - Reenactment (Beavers/Cubs/Scouts/Vents)

April 25-27 2025

Come out to our annual 1812 Reenactment camp. Learn History by doing. Great sessions, games, competitions (Supper) and the famous trader joes!

All section camp with programming with age appropriate activates

Please fill out the registration form if you are interested. Early bird fee is only $5 (March 31) this year due to a generous sponsor.

What the heck is 1812 Camp? What Happens at 1812 camp?

1812 Camp offers a spot for youth to learn about local history.

We have been running the camp now for 5+ years, with improvements each year

Here is a quick list of past events, which we plan to do this year

We offer lots of different activities, with many chances for youth to learn and have fun.

Hope to see you there!

Contact the Team: